One of my greatest joys is witnessing the moment when someone realizes their innate power and owns it.
I believe that you have all the answers within AND that you can quantum leap your access to those answers with the right guide for you.
With me, you'll reflect deeply AND you'll laugh and be silly.
I'll challenge you to be greater than you think you are AND I'll give you a hug and sing your song back to you when you forget.
I'll be your biggest fan until you become your own.
Ready to rock?

Self-paced Workshop
The journey from where you are to where you want to be starts with one small step: identifying where you are.
Identify where you are energetically with the Energy Leadership™ Index assessment.
After you take the assessment, you'll receive a video debrief from me that walks you through the results at your own pace. You'll also receive a workbook you can use over and over as you apply what you've learned to real-life situations.
With this practical Energy Leadership™ framework, reclaim the power to shift your energy and perspective in any moment or situation, so you can rock your leadership and rock your life — one small step at a time.

3-12 months of 1:1 coaching
Dive deeper, create sustainable results, and skyrocket your confidence, impact, and fulfillment in every area of life.
CONTACT ME to explore whether this is a great fit!

"The insight, the direction, and the absolute clarity on what I'm here to share with the world has never been more obvious, bright, and enlivening for me.
If you're on the fence about working with Melissa, take this as your sign and just do it. It is so worth it."
~ Dana Hayes, Business Coach for Soul-led Entrepreneurs
(Hear the full testimonial in her video!)
"Melissa truly sets herself apart from others in the personal coaching space because of her excellence, professionalism, vibrance, and passion for helping humans make that Giant Leap. I wanted to partner with Melissa for three specific reasons: 1) I felt I could trust her; 2) she embodied an energy and thirst for life and I wanted her to guide me into that version of myself; and 3) her values and mission overlapped with mine. As a spiritual person, I'd started to develop certain gifts, and I wanted to take them to the next level with Melissa’s support.
The way she did that, which largely made me feel she was the perfect fit for me, was to integrate Quantum Human Design™ and Energy Leadership™ into my previous soul-centric work. Her natural way of knowing how to apply these concepts to me to connect, focus, let go, reframe, uplift, or expand aspects of my inner being supported me in my journey and taking those small steps. She exhibited the perfect wisdom I needed at that point in my life.
From our time together, I came across so many realizations about my current and future self, and Melissa helped me reach some HUGE aha moments: 1) I want to live my life with people like Melissa – anyone who shines their inner light with ease, grace, and joy; 2) with trust, faith, and an alignment with my purpose, I can boldly go wherever life leads; and 3) all of my awesomeness will share its full potential in divine timing.
It's hard to describe all my deep admiration, thanks, and appreciation for Melissa’s attention and energy in helping me grow, but I think what she does best is instill hope, love, and clarity in oneself to want to do more. If you’re unsure or hesitant about working with Melissa, I send you the knowing that whatever guided you to her was meant for a reason. She attracts individuals who are ready to take that Giant Leap, and from there, Melissa puts you on the path to create your wildest dreams."
~ Adam Dickinson, Energy Artist
"So often in the past I have felt stuck. I simply didn't know how to break out of the patterns I found myself in. This is a different kind of support than I've received anywhere else, and it's exactly what I needed at this point in my life. Instead of fighting to swim across a rushing river, working with Melissa felt like leapfrogging from step to step. I felt supported, I made forward progress, and it wasn't that hard. I see and understand my past patterns with more compassion, and I'm grounded in newfound hope for my future."
~ Ingrid Czintos, Massage Therapist
"My energy had been blocked — and, I was feeling pressure to accept amazing opportunities I simply did not want. With Melissa, I had an epiphany — a realization that my life was indeed my own. Melissa's consult saved me 10 years at a powerful and influential job I did not want, but almost accepted.
I've begun to stop hiding my gifts and I'm allowing myself to take up the space I deserve; and frankly, the response from the world is amazing. People are drawn to me, with relationships and opportunities flowing in. I feel unblocked and able to be my unapologetic and loving self. Life isn't about goals — life is really just an experience and a journey that deserves to be valued."
~ A very grateful and highly successful client
"When I began working with Melissa I was in one of the worst mental and emotional funks I've been in in a while. I couldn't stand up for myself, I felt unworthy of anything good, and didn't understand why everyone else could find relief through therapy, counseling, etc...but I couldn't.
Melissa took time to really understand who I was by walking me through my Quantum Human Design™ chart and explaining things that, surprisingly, I already knew but didn't "know." Every week she'd let me ramble about a current trigger and inevitably that would lead to something from the past. Before I realized, I had dropped the victim mentality of "poor me" and dug in to what she helped me identify as generational trauma. With simple prompts, Melissa guided me through my own thoughts as I did the deep-seeded work that ultimately led me here, to the present.
From there I stepped into who I am, I recognized what I need to maintain my higher self and now I live presently and confidently in who I am, knowing I have a purpose that is unaltered by anyone's opinion. I let go of the past pains, and if something comes up I feel it then let it pass. Melissa is an incredible coach who helped me break my generational curses to help secure my son's peace and MY peace. I am SO thankful for having met her and for her continuous encouragement and love...and I truly and deeply love and accept myself from here on out."
~ Marcela Gore, Navy Linguist & Life Journeyer
"I am glad I said yes to working with Melissa. I am grateful for her guidance, support and redirection when needed. She is more than a life coach, she has taught me that my professional and personal paths are one and the same and that my growth in one area directly affects the other.
The Quantum Human Design™ and Energy Leadership™ reports are valuable insights to who I am and how I show up for myself, my family and my community each day.
Melissa is such a wonderful light, and I feel very seen and understood by her."
~ Meredith Russell, J.D., Leader - Athlete - Artist
"Before working with Melissa, I was rejecting parts of myself that I had kept hidden from childhood. Melissa helped me to see the power in these hidden aspects of myself and to embrace them rather than push them away. I am now able to make decisions that feel more aligned with my authentic self and this feels so much easier than doing what I 'think' I should do and trying to work against these natural instincts.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Melissa. She has a calming and empathetic nature that helped me feel very comfortable and safe. I really enjoyed experiencing the variety of tools that she uses to support you, especially the Quantum Human Design™ and EFT which I found liberating!"
~ Taryn Jacoby, Transformational Coach & Hypnotherapist
"Getting to a place of alignment in myself and in my business has become extremely important to me in my healing journey, and finding the right guides is a necessity. As a woman of color, I wanted someone who had compassion and knowledge of Human Design who could help me understand parts of who I was that didn’t make sense. I am grateful to have found Melissa. Her life’s work is dedicated to healing the world one person at a time, and she proved that in the work she has done with me.
Melissa's insight has allowed me to make different choices and break free from who I was taught to be by the world and my environment, and to connect to the woman of color I was born to be. She guided me through some of my darkest fears, pains, and life experiences into a brighter place of understanding. She helped me view myself as perfectly made, rewrite my story, and live my life on purpose."
~ Octavia Harris, Storytelling Marketing Specialist & Spiritual Healer
"I'm in a unique position because Melissa is my twin sister, so I've worked with her over many years and she knows me well. That said, she has facilitated countless breakthroughs for me with her coaching hat on.
In our first session of EPIC LIFE Lab, I was integrating disparate parts of my journey and seeing how they all connected to who and where I am now. I've worked with a lot of amazing coaches, all great work, AND, this time feels new! This time I'm starting from integration rather than finishing there. That feels like a huge shift — it means we get to start with good and get to great!
I'm calling in my passion work and learning to balance partnership, work for others, work for myself, play, health, spirit and service, and I'm releasing the stories that no longer serve my path (tapping with Melissa is HUGELY beneficial for releasing!). I also love that Melissa offers course checks at 30, 60 and 90 days after coaching is complete, which is totally aligned with her rocket science tenet of adjusting course as needed. Having worked with many coaches, I can say that that support afterwards is a huge differentiator! I'm thrilled for this phase of the journey with Melissa!"
~ Anne-Marie Corley, Writer - Partner - Spiritual Adventurer
"When I transferred work groups I quickly realized I lacked the skills to face a number of complex team challenges. I wasn't sure what help I needed and was skeptical that solutions were possible.
I talked with several people and then connected with Melissa. In short order I was getting measurable results. She helped me identify the critical elements of my goals and set practical steps to achieve them. I created effective strategies for defusing explosive interactions between employees, navigating the energy trap of needy individuals, and remaining focused in the face of drama.
I transitioned from dreading potential office situations and replaying past encounters over and over in my head to complete confidence that I can effectively manage any variant of these situations when they pop up. Best part, all the energy I expended surfing the emotional waves in the office is now focused on meeting program objectives.
My journey with Melissa fundamentally changed how I feel about work and interact with my team. As a bonus, I've learned how to apply what works at work to my personal life as well. It would have taken me more than a lifetime and a lot more pain and frustration for me to achieve these results on my own.
Without a doubt employing a coach is challenging work, but Melissa's energy and enthusiasm fuel every session. She keeps the work interesting, sourcing the Universe and harnessing real-life situations to build an integrated strategy. I had never worked with a coach before and I can't imagine achieving a fraction of the results I did without Melissa's guidance and support."
~ Physics PhD - Team Leader - Program Manager

Dr. Melissa Corley Carter, The Barefoot Dancing Rocket Scientist, uses basic principles of rocket science to help rockstar humans reclaim their power, own their awesomeness, and take giant leaps of faith.
An actual rocket scientist, 7 continents marathoner, astronaut reject, speaker, award-winning author, and certified professional coach, Melissa will inspire you to celebrate the power of who you are and to ignite your passion for the life you live.
Before becoming a coach, Melissa spent twenty years aspiring to become an astronaut. In pursuit of that goal she earned two engineering degrees from Stanford University, a commission as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, and a PhD in astronautical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. Despite perfect vision after corrective eye surgery, her pre-surgical eyesight disqualified her and shattered her astronaut dream.
In the years since, she’s realized that her dream emerged from an intuitive knowing of her spiritual connection with the universe, from a desire to inspire people to greatness the way astronauts had always inspired her, and from the vision of a unified and harmonious world. In her daily dance with the universe now, she's truly living her dream.
Melissa is the author and photographer of the award-winning 2021 coffee table book, Running the World: Marathon Memoirs from the Seven Continents, and the companion wisdom card deck, Running YOUR World. In her book she shares her outer journey across the continents and her inner journey of recovering from shattered dreams and realigning her life with powerful purpose. Her wisdom cards will guide you to pause, reflect, align your own life with powerful purpose, and take inspired action toward your dreams.
Melissa is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, where she serves as an executive coach, strategic advisor, and leadership development facilitator. Prior to joining the reserve, her active duty assignments included laser test engineering, adaptive optics research and development, satellite acquisitions and operations, and aide-de-camp and executive officer to senior leaders.
Melissa’s journey has taught her that identity and goals are not synonymous, that even major disappointments hold gifts beyond imagining, and that every experience invites us to take a small step — or a giant leap — into greater alignment with who we really are.